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Old style prospecting consisted of closing and overcoming objections, essentially arm wrestling prospects into seeing you and eventually buying from you.
Today, we live in a different era of selling. Instead of being limited to a few face-to-face calls per day, you can now cover your territory by phone.
In a few minutes you can send out email broadcasts to qualified prospects and clients. And while you are wrapping up a sale, your computer can crack out twelve letters a minute. And who knows how many people can check your latest quote on your web page? It’s a different world, yet old methods still persist.
The key to prospecting in today’s modern economy is to sell more to better prospects. During this session, your sales professionals learn to generate a list of these better prospects, weed out the hopeless cases and launch a simple and highly effective campaign to turn them into customers.
During this session, the sales team develops a customized client acquisition system including email, fax and internet strategies. The sales team learns the most effective new client acquisition strategies and begins to apply the prospecting system immediately into their business making a preemptive and quantum leap ahead of the competition.