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An excellent supervisor is someone who achieves superior results consistently by getting the very best out of himself or herself and the people entrusted to him or her. An excellent supervisor is one who releases the potential of others so they make an even greater contribution to the organization.
The strength of the call center is determined by the quality of its frontline supervisors. They are the people who are responsible for accomplishing the sales and service goals of the call center. They are the officer corps of the corporate army. What they do and how they do it is the key determinant of the call center’s success.
Call center supervision, however, is an inexact science. There are no answers that are right all the time. But there are some methods and techniques that work most of the time. If your supervisor team uses them regularly, they can be far more effective than they are now.
The ideas in these workshop sessions are distilled from years of call center observation, experience and analysis. They have been taught to hundreds of supervisors, managers and trainers of call centers, large and small. They are all practical, all helpful and, in combination, form the basis of call center supervision excellence.