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Only people can be made to appreciate in value — by making them more productive. Each person can learn how to get more done, with lower stress, using these powerful, personal management tools and techniques. During this workshop, participants are introduced to a new way of approaching time and personal performance. Each person learns how to save time and increase output in every area of life. The process deals with both the practice and the psychology of time management.
During this workshop, learn how to break down your goals to accomplish more, establish your most important priorities, and figure out how to make the best use of your valuable time. Learn to organize your time by looking at the big picture of life and to set a vision for yourself with a “long-time” perspective, plus how to set priorities on your activities before you begin. Learn to increase your “return on energy”, overcome procrastination, and spend more time on higher value tasks. Learn to practice high performance body language and guidelines for keeping your mind on your mission and completing your tasks.
Participants emerge from this intense, one-day program with a new attitude toward themselves and time. They see themselves differently, and their results improve immediately.
Participants experience the following results: