Accelerated Learning: Maximizing the Capacity of Your Amazing Brain

Your brain is made up of a trillion brain cells. Each brain cell is like the most phenomenally complex little octopus. It has a center, it has many branches, and each branch has many connecting points. And each one of those billions of brain cells is many times more powerful and sophisticated than most of the computers around the planet today. Each one of these brain cells connects and embraces hundreds of thousands of others. And they shuttle information back and forward.

It’s been called an enchanted loom, the most astounding, complex beautiful thing in existence. And each person has one.

How do we make the most of it’s great ability? First learn how it works. How does memory work? How does concentration work? What is the best way to learn and to teach? Start your brain exploration and you will come up with some interesting surprises.

First, you have three distinct brains in one.

The Triune Brain: Three Brains In One

  1. Reptilian Brain – Our brain stem emerges directly from the spinal column and controls our very basic, instinctive responses: breathing, heart rate, self preservation.
  2. Limbic System – is located in the center of the brain. It controls our emotions, pleasure centers and memory.
  3. Neocortex is the top of the brain. It controls intellectual processes including: spatial and mathematical thinking, dreaming and remembering, processing and decoding and understanding language.

Next, you have seven different intelligence centers. The first two are highly valued in traditional education.

Seven Intelligences

  1. Linguistic – indicating a knack for language and an ease with words.
  2. Logical/Mathematical – involving thinking in concepts and looking for abstract patterns.
  3. Musical – indicating a strong sense of rhythm and melody.
  4. Visual/Spatial – By which one learns visually through images, colors and  metaphors.
  5. Kinesthetic – By which one learns by movement and repetition of the body and hands.
  6. Interpersonal – by which one relates well and easily cooperates with others.
  7. Intrapersonal – By which one learns best alone and is good at self-teaching.

Next, let’s look at how our brain stores information. As a patterning device, the brain almost certainly has no equal.

Your Perfect Memory

The brain stores information by making great use of associations. Every person’s brain has an association cortex. It can link up like with like, from different memory banks. Learning to store information in patterns and with strong association is probably the first step toward developing your brain’s untapped ability.

Many researchers are now convinced that we can absorb information much more quickly and effectively when our brains are in a state of relaxed alertness.

Let’s next look at learning techniques that utilize our knowledge of how the brain works. Some of the new techniques go by a variety of names: suggestopedia, neuro linguistic programming and integrative accelerated learning.

But the best combine these three things: they’re fun, fast and fulfilling. And the best involve relaxation, action, stimulation, emotion and enjoyment.

From the best research all good training and education programs involve six key principles. Not surprisingly, each of these principles works best for an adult in almost the same way it works for a small child, when learning develops quickly and easily through exploration and fun. Each of us has an individual, preferred way of learning that suits us best.

And they work best when they are delivered by a teacher who is an involver – not a lecturer – who as a facilitator, orchestrates these factors.

Six Stages of Learning

  1. State of Mind – Create a resourceful state of mind. Relaxed, motivated and confident.
    • Orchestrating the environment,
    • Positive mood of teacher and student,
    • Peripheral posters.
  2. Intake – Ensure all the senses are fully involved as you get the basic facts.
    • Get the big picture first,
    • Use all learning styles,
    • Step out of the lecturing role.
  3. Process – Explore the subject via the range of seven intelligences. Activities to turn data into understanding, including games, skits, discussions and plays.
  4. Store – Memorize the key facts. Remember them and the whole subject is triggered. Deep memory techniques for permanent storage. Combine it with what you already know.
  5. Act – “Show You Know”. Put yourself to the test. Works in pairs or teams.
    • Use it,
    • Do it,
    • Mind map it.
  6. Review – Reflect on the way you learned. Understand and control the process of your own learning. Thinking about your thinking.

When you learn the techniques that exactly match your personal learning style, you will be learning in the way that is most natural for you. Because it is natural, it is easier, it is faster. That’s why we call it Accelerated Learning.

When teachers or trainers use the same six steps, they ensure the learning experience is complete. When both learner and teacher work in the same six-step sequence, they are able to collaborate fully to ensure learning is enjoyable, effective and fast.

And since corporations learn like people, the same six principles of Accelerated Learning can be used to insure that organizations learn better and faster.